Friday, February 19, 2010

wimcee in the shops!

[postcard-FRONT.gif] Major excitement! Thank-you Cathy, my market pal, for sending me out there in search of Belleville and the wonderful Billie! This is the most interesting and eclectic children's shop in the Annerley Arcade, cheek by jowl with a vintage comic store, second-hand book shop, retro shop, a couple of super-duper op shops and some antique stores, so well worth spending some pottering time. After an email exchange I went to visit Billie and now can boast stock in a shop like a real live couturier. Not Robinson Crusoe amongst the marketing fraternity in this step, but nonetheless a thrill, especially when my last minute inclusion, a tyrollean hat, sold within hours.

This is something I've been thinking about testing the waters with this year - love the markets, but it's difficult at the moment for various reasons so a bit of rationalisation is called for. And I must say I do like the fact that what I've taken to Belleville won't get knocked around to-ing and fro-ing to market and home - get a bit protective of some of the more delicate fabrics and constructions and hate it when things get really crushed or otherwise messed around. Fancy me getting pernickety about such things - !

But what a buzz!!

1 comment:

  1. How exciting for you! I have finally started blogging for 2010 and have included your lovely skirt in a post. Will you have any pink ones at the BiDM, perchance? See you there! Lisa.
